Phenolic, dietetic fibre and sensorial analyses of apples from regional varieties produced in conventional and biological mode


  • Raquel P.F. Guiné
  • Rute Sousa
  • Ana Alves
  • Luís Teixeira
  • Catarina Figueiredo
  • Sandra Fonseca
  • Sandra Soares
  • Ivone Sousa
  • Patrícia Almeida
  • Ana Cristina Correia
  • António Jordão
  • Arminda Dias Lopes
  • Dulcineia Ferreira



Guiné R P F1, Sousa R2, Alves A2, Teixeira L2, Figueiredo C2, Fonseca S2, Soares S2,

Sousa I2, Almeida P2, Correia A C2, Jordão A M1, Lopes A D3, Ferreira D1


(1. CI & DETS, Instituto Politécnico de Viseu, ESAV, Portugal;

2. Instituto Politécnico de Viseu, ESAV, Portugal;

3. Direcção Regional de Agricultura e Pescas do Centro, DSAP, DPAP, Viseu, Portugal)


Abstract: In the present work apples from eleven regional varieties originating from Portugal were studied in terms of their content in phenolic compounds and dietetic fibres (soluble and insoluble).  In some cases, apples from two different production modes were analysed: conventional and biological.  Some of the most commercialized apples in Portugal were also studied for comparison purposes.  In addition, a sensorial evaluation of some of the varieties was performed.  From the present work it was possible to conclude that the regional varieties studied contain higher amounts of dietetic fibre than those of commercial varieties and other fruits.  With respect to the content in total phenolic compounds, the apples of regional varieties showed values clearly higher than those quantified in commercial varieties, and being concentrated mainly on the peel, then on the seeds, and finally on the pulp.  From the sensorial analyses was possible to infer that the regional varieties which were more appreciated were Bravo de Esmolfe and Camoesa de Alcongosta.


Keywords: apple, conventional production, biological production, soluble fibre, insoluble fibre, polyphenols, sensorial analysis, portugal


Citation: Guiné R P F, Sousa R, Alves A, Teixeira L, Figueiredo C, Fonseca S, Soares S, Sousa I, Almeida P, Correia A C, Jordão A M, Lopes A D, Ferreira D.  Phenolic, dietetic fibre and sensorial analyses of apples from regional vareties produced in conventional and biological mode.  Agric Eng Int: CIGR Journal, 2010, 12(2): 70-78.









VI-Postharvest Technology and Process Engineering