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Costa, Daniela
Costa, Daniela, 3. Department of Ecology and Sustainable Agriculture, ESAV, Polytechnic Institute of Viseu, Portugal;
Costa, Daniela, CI&DETS/ESAV, Instituto Politécnico de Viseu, Campus Politécnico, 3504-510 Repeses, Viseu, Portugal.
Costa, Edilson
Costa, Edilson, Department of agronomy, State University of Mato Grosso do Sul, Cassilândia, MS, Brazil. (Brazil)
Costa, Geany Giovana Silva da, Department of agronomy, State University of Mato Grosso do Sul, Cassilândia, MS, Brazil.
Costa, Geany Giovana Silva da, Department of vegetable ambience, State University of Mato Grosso do Sul, Cassilândia, MS, Brazil, Highway MS 306- km 6,4, zip code 79540000, +5567 35967608, Email: geanys.costa@hotmail.com
Coto-Fonseca, Alberto, University of Costa Rica
Cowell, P. A
Crecente, R.
Criner, B. R.
Cros, Marie-Josée
Cross, C. V.
Cross, J. V.
Cruz, Everton, Federal University of Pelotas, RS
Cruz, Pedro, Chapingo Autonomous University
Cruz, Vasco Fitas, University of Evora and Instituto de Ciências Agrárias e Ambientais Mediterrânicas (ICAAM)
Cruz, Wagner Alexandre, Federal University of Pelotas, RS
Csorba, Lászó, Szent István University, Gödöllő
Cuello, Joel L
Cuervo, Neftali
Cuervo Andrade, Sandra Patricia, University Kassel
Cuesta, T. S
Cui, Yuanlai
Culaba, Alvin B, De La Salle University, Manila

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