Regulations Related to Land-application of Abattoir Wastewater and
Gauri S Mittal
Worldwide, legislations on regulating the disposal of abattoir wastewater and residues are not yet
uniform. In Europe and North America, new regulations are being developed to protect soil and
water. This provides an opportunity to review the regulations related to land-application of abattoir
wastewater and residues. In USA, all states must abide biosolids standards as set out. In Ontario,
Canada, a detailed proposal must be submitted to the local Ministry of Environment (MOE) office
for review. Biosolids Utilization Committee provides opinion to local MOE office on wastes other
than sewage biosolids. There are many minimum land-application restrictions for water and soil
protection. According to European Union, overall, land-application of abattoir waste is probably the
best practical environmental option for smallBscale abattoirs, but is likely to be much less
appropriate for modern, large-scale operations. The farmers are generally against the landapplication
of biosolids in Finland and Luxembourg.