Remote Assisted Task Management for ISOBUS Equipped Tractor- Implement Combination


  • L. Pesonen
  • J. Kaivosoja
  • V. Virolainen
  • J. Oittinen
  • J. Kivipelto


Efficient task management is a key to profitable use of an automated tractor-implement combination in the field. The information management system which is used to operate automation of the tractor-implement combination can be used to manage the external information such as to the task or surrounded environment related information, as well. User-friendly open operation environment that provides possibilities for intelligent on-line functions in the field and remote support via internet connections is introduced. The system utilizes open system interfaces and ICT standards, such as ISOBUS, to enable compatibility between different system parts. Wireless communication enables information exchange between off-road automation machines and external operators like support services, databases or clients. Maintaining the wireless internet based remote support system is cost efficient, since it can be used for communication between several parties. Disadvantage is that internet connection exposes the system to malicious programs and variable quality of service. The experiences from the case study concerning remote assisted task management of ISOBUS compatible tractor-implement combination were encouraging. The importance and possibilities of internet will increase further. Still there is a need for further research and development work in the areas of openness, dependability as well as user and task specific optimization of the calculation and data transfer capacity. Additional, but unavoidable challenge will be the integration of site-specific data and GIS to the other information systems. Implement Combination






Automation Technology for Off-Road Equipment-2006