Comparative Analysis of Nutritional Properties of Livestock Feed from Restaurant Food Waste and Conventional Agricultural Feed Sources
Livestock Feed
The negative effects of increasing food waste in the world are worrying for everyone. This research has examined the nutrients of food waste and compares it with agricultural products used in the livestock and poultry feed in order to manage the food waste produced in the restaurant with the approach of converting it into livestock feed. After designing and manufacturing food waste dryer, the food waste was collected from restaurants and kitchens and without any pre-treatment was subjected to heat treatment. The time of 210 minutes with 3 temperatures of 70, 55 and 85 ˚C were selected as experimental factors. The results showed that the amount of livestock feed protein produced was very close to agricultural products. Also, the energy metabolized by the livestock produced from food waste has increased with increasing heat treatment temperature that on average, animal feed produced from food waste provides 50 percent of the energy metabolized from animal feed obtained from agricultural products. Finally, it should be said that with exact evaluation of the amount of microbial and fungal contamination in the livestock feed, it can be used for livestock and poultry consumptions.