Potentials of Waste Cooking Oil from Vacuum Fryer as Biodiesel


  • Glenda C. Beron
  • Alaiza Jhonna M. Faina
  • Mark Keylord S. Onal Mindoro State University
  • Randy A. Joco Mindoro State University
  • Fernando A. Paralejas, Jr.


Renewable energy is necessary because of its potential in providing a steady supply of power without depleting natural resources. Analyzing the potential of converting waste cooking oil (WCO)from vacuum fryer into biodiesel is presented in this study as fuel source for daily use. Filtration of WCO was done before the process of biodiesel production with the use of granulated activated charcoal. This was done to remove the particles in the WCO. The conversion of WCO into biodiesel undergone the process of transesterification using sodium hydroxide (NaOH) as catalyst. Three-factor three-level complete factorial design was used in the study. The levels of catalyst concentration were 0.8 g, 1.0 g, and 1.2 g mixed with 250 mL of filtered WCO and 65 mL of methanol. On the other hand, the levels of reaction time were 30 min, 60 min, and 90 min while the level of agitation speed were set at 400 rpm, 600 rpm, and 800 rpm. Results showed that the combination of 0.8 g catalyst, 90 min reaction time, and 800 rpm agitation speed has the highest biodiesel yield of 262.33 mL. Statistical analysis showed that catalyst concentration is the only parameter that is significant. This sample was sent to a private laboratory for chemical analysis using ASTM D874 (sulfated ash), ASTM D445 (kinematic viscosity at 40oC), and ASTM D2709 (water and sediment in middle distillate fuel). Results of the chemical analysis showed that the sample was beyond maximum limit of the three methods used in testing, thus, was not suitable for engine used but can be used as fuel source for cooking.






IV-Energy in Agriculture