Drying fresh cassava chip using biomass energy with IoT monitoring system


  • Juandi Muhammad Universitas Riau
  • Joko Risanto Universitas Riau
  • Gimin Universitas Riau


The drying method is still most usable for food preservation technology. This method was introduced in ancient times and continuously developed for better practical use and cost-effectiveness. An in-house drying system is can be built on a large or even on a small scale for home industry use. Cassava chip is famous food in many countries as a crispy and crunchy snack. The fresh cassava as raw material needs to be dried condition for longer preservation and ease in processing. The main purpose of this work is to build a biomass dryer using coconut shells with a remote monitoring system for drying any kind of cracker raw materials, especially cassava chips. Remote monitoring has utilized the internet of thing (IoT) concept, which recording temperature, relative humidity, and relative moisture of the object inside the dryer. The temperature and relative humidity are sensed by DHT22 and the moisture is detected by YL-69 sensor. The dryer is can be loaded with three shelves simultaneously.  Raw material for cassava crackers with a total mass of 10 kg. The raw material for cassava crackers is placed in the Biomass drying chamber. The raw material for cassava crackers is dried within 2 hours. The loss of moisture content of all raw materials for cassava crackers increased with increasing drying time and temperature. By IoT system for monitoring the dryer work, it will save in time and employee, as well as minimize human contact in the new normal condition because of Covid-19 pandemic.






VI-Postharvest Technology and Process Engineering