Impacts of conservation agriculture-based farming technology on maize crop production in Pakistan


  • Muhammad Faheem University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan


A light weight zone disk tiller (ZDTD) drill was redesigned and developed employing Solid works and Auto-Cad software. For field performance evaluation of machine, the experimental trials were conducted at Post Graduate Research Station (PARS), University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan. An area of 1.62 ha (4 ac) was divided two halves; one half area for conventional method of maize planting and the second half for maize planting by redeveloped light weight zone disk tiller drill. Under conventional method extensive field preparation operations were performed whereas no field preparation had been done for planting maize with zone disk tiller drill. After harvesting the paddy crop, zone disk tiller drill was passed through the standing stubble field and planted the maize seed in one pass. Crop planting results of zone disk tiller drill and conventional method under 3-levels of  irrigation and 3-levels of fertilizer levels were compared for their impact on the crop parameters including emergence rate index (ERI), root length, root shoot ratio, shoot length, root fresh weight, root dry weight, shoot fresh weight,  and shoot dry weight.  All the data were statistically analyzed and found that he ERI under ZDTD was 1.43 times greater than that under conventional maize planting. ERI at irrigation level I3 (after 4 days) was 1.23 times greater than that at I2 (after 6 days) and 1.40 times greater than that at I1 (after 8 days). ERI value at fertilizer level F3 (148.2 kg/ha) was 1.61 times greater than that at F2 (123.3 kg/ha) and 3.32 times greater than that F1 (123.3 kg/ha. Plant shoot dry weight under ZDTD was 1.68 times greater than that observed under M2 conventional maize planting. The proposed study showed that newly designed machine could transplanted maize in rice stubble field within an acceptable cost, saves time, improve soil physical parameters, and crop parameters for better production.






III-Equipment Engineering for Plant Production