Risks potential analysis of flakes machine in banana flakes production process using failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA)


  • aidil haryanto Indonesian institute of sciences


failure modes and effect analysis (FMEA), flakes machine, banana flakes, risk priority number (RPN)


Banana flakes are foods that can be eaten every day and then benefit to the body. This product is made from bananas that contain lots of prebiotics and other nutrients needed. However, there are many problems encountered in the banana flakes production process. One problem is the machine. Therefore, a flakes machine was developed which is a machine for making banana flakes. During the production process, the machine flakes will surely have a risk of failure. In preventing the risk of failure that interferes with the production process, an analysis of potential failures is carried out. Because the flakes machine in the banana flakes production process is the machine of innovation so there is no failure analysis specifically for this machine. This paper aims to analyze the potential risk of failure that can occur using failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA). FMEA is an analytical technique for determining, and classifying common failures and should be considered in flakes machines. As a result, an appropriate severity, occurrence, and detection assessment results in a risk priority number (RPN) score to take preventative measures. Pulley and belt slips that occur in the transmission component of the conveyor have the highest RPN score of 168. Six potential failure modes have an RPN value above 100. This should be of particular concern for preventing failure, reducing the severity, and reducing risk by recommended corrective action.

Author Biography

aidil haryanto, Indonesian institute of sciences

Research center for appropriate technology, Indonesian institute of sciences






III-Equipment Engineering for Plant Production