Forest road network planning for biomass exploitation and fire preventions: a least cost path analysis
Least cost path analysis, Multi-Criteria Analysis, Forest Opening Up, Analytic Hierarchy Process, GIS, Greece.Abstract
The projects related to forest opening up constitute fundamental infrastructure projects for the development of our mountainous and semi-mountainous national economy. In the beginning, timber transportation and connection between forest settlements served as the sole purpose of forest opening up. However, nowadays, the perspective of forest opening up as being an important preventive measure of forest protection, which is a basic pillar of a multipurpose forestry system of the Greek Mediterranean mountains, is gaining ground. The application of modern tools in the opening up is now imperative for choosing the most economical and efficient forestry route. The paper presents a method of opening up roads in the forest, using the least cost path analysis (LCPA) and Multi-Criteria Analysis (MCA) in a Geographical Information Systems (GIS) environment.