Methods and applications of new technology used for reducing of chemical usage and controlling of pest (a review)


  • mohammad ali ebrahimi


Machine Vision, Ultrasonic Sensors, Spectrometry, Laser, Pest identification and Classification


Initial low cost of pesticides and lack of knowledge on the part of agricultural producers has led to an overuse of pesticides, with dangerous consequences. On the other hand, today pesticides have an important role in the increment of agriculture products. Therefore, in recent years, the major aims of agricultural, environmental and even the food industry researchers have been to reduce the usage of chemical materials in agricultural applications. To achieve this, variable rate application in sprayers using different technologies such as machine vision, ultrasonic sensors, spectrometry, laser scanning, as well as pest identification and classification, have been applied in recent studies. This paper reviews these works reported in the 21 century. In addition, the best result is suggested in the conclusion section for future studies.






V-Management, Ergonomics and Systems Engineering