Hydroponic Lettuce Production and Minimally Processed Lettuce


  • Ricardo Oliano de Carvalho Federal University of Pelotas, RS
  • Miguel Borges Machado Federal University of Pelotas, RS
  • Vinícius Saldanha Scherer Federal University of Pelotas, RS
  • Giovani Castro Fuentes Federal University of Pelotas, RS
  • Carlos Alberto Silveira da Luz Federal University of Pelotas, RS
  • Maria Laura G. Silva da Luz Federal University of Pelotas, RS


Lettuce, hydroponic system, production.


Lettuce is a leafy vegetable most consumed in Brazil, and is considered the basis for salads and can be grown by hydroponics system. Hydroponics is a viable alternative to be implemented, with benefits for soil conservation and preservation of water sources. This work aimed to study the market of trailers snacks in Pelotas to analyze the economic feasibility of deploying an enterprise for the production of hydroponic lettuce, minimally processed, on a farm located in the city of Pelotas. The trailers were classified as small, medium and large, according to the consumption of lettuce. From market analysis, facilities and greenhouses for hydroponics area for processing of lettuce with flowchart of activities and mass balance were designed. The lettuce is produced from seeding to minimal processing, consisting of packing to delivery the whole lettuces and cut and pack the other portion, which will also be packaged for shipment. For the optimization of space in the greenhouses, a system of trails that allow them to glide over the stands, being compressed, opening corridors through which people ranging transplanting or harvest the lettuces, only where needed was created. The economic and financial analysis was performed using the indicators to establish the viability of the project or not. These indicators are: NPV (Net Present Value), IRR (Internal Rate of Return) and payback. The analysis was performed in a planning horizon of 10 years and considering a TMA (Average Attractiveness ) of 11.6 % pa Three scenarios for implementation of the project, the amount of greenhouses ranging from one to three different percentages of sales and production over time were studied. The project proved to be unfeasible with only a greenhouse, but two or three greenhouses is feasible to be implemented. However, when deployed, the project with two greenhouses in the first year, and three greenhouses in the first two years will profit. The best option would be two or three greenhouses, depending on the amount to be invested and the availability of capital to withstand years without profitability. Technically, the project proved feasible by enabling large area in a small amount of lettuce is produced by hydroponic system, hydroponic lettuce and minimally processed snack bars for an interesting product, as it is practical and hygienic. It is recommended to study whether the project would become more attractive with the production of other crops such as tomato, zucchini, among other hydroponic.






VI-Postharvest Technology and Process Engineering